About Us

Honolulu, HI, United States
Hello everybody! We've created this blog because we'll be heading off to Europe. It's the Fischer's European Vacation.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Thursday, August 9, 2007


Tuesday Aug. 7, 2007

20 hours of flight to look forward to. Let see if we'll have all our luggage this time. Wanna take bets?


Monday Aug. 6, 2007

Was having breakfast before we were due back to the airport for departure, when a phone call came through informing us that they have our luggage. Boy, that was close. I was already emotional set to not see my luggage ever again. Got to the airport, picked up our bag and put it right back on a plane. Got to London and stayed at a hotel near airport. We were both so tired at this point, we did not leave the hotel and succumb to room service and sleep.


Sunday Aug. 5, 2007

Paella Festivals today. It's an annual gathering for the Bilbaoians, where groups gather to see who could make the best paella. Very festive and carnival atmosphere. We didn't get to taste any of the dish because most of us were quite hungry and revolted when told of a 2 hours wait. Walked to a cafe down by the beach. Tapa and beer. The weather took a turn for the worst and we all headed back. Everyone was tired and we all went back to the hotel for some siesta. Afterward, we were off to dinner which is a small miracle in itself. First, there are 20 people involve and it's a Sunday in August, which meant half of the town is closed. We ended up in a great restaurants and some wonderful and tasty meals. A great end to the closing of our honeymoon.


Saturday Aug. 4, 2007

Guggenheim day. Went with Brett and Jess. Meet up with Rick, Nana, Carl, John, Joni, and Derek. Interesting museum. One word comes to mind... twisted. The building, the art work, everything about it is very unusual. Once I turned to JW and whined that I feel stupid. I just don't get it. There are certain things are were interesting but as they say, just not my cup of tea. Got back to the hotel and had hoped that our luggage would show. It did not, so a ride to the airport to check. Got our hopes up when the attendant said that she had called our hotel to inform us the good news and proceed to show us two luggage that weren't ours. After lot of searching on her part, she was able to extract one of our luggage. I'm starting to worry. Many apologies and we left only half of our stuff given back, the un-useable half. Almost all of our clothes and shoes were in the other half. Oh well, time to get dress for the reception. We looked OK, JW wore his slippers (flip flops) to the dinner. He still looks good.
Food at the reception was plentiful, we've noticed that the Spaniards like their beef more on the raw side. We were served a piece of meat that I know is still mooing. No thanks. But overall it was a fun night.


Friday Aug. 3, 2007

Flew to Bilbao, no luggage. Great. Can't speak Spanish. Little change of clothes, no toiletries, no makeup. Wedding reception to go to, nice clothes in luggage...perfect. Got to hotel, nice but a little isolated. Can't go to the local Kmart to get necessities. Family arrived. Introduction made. Long day, didn't get to bed til 1am. JW up all night with headace and of course all medicines are in luggage. Nice to see Brett and Jess in Spain.


Thursday Aug. 2, 2007

Walked to the beach. JW wants to swim around the Mediterranean Sea. Weather was nice and cooperating. Easy day.


Wed. August 1, 2007

Left France for Barcelona. Late flight, got into Barcelona late afternoon. Taxi to to hotel. Nice accommodation but shifty neighborhood. We soon found out that that's just Barcelona. Ate at an outdoor cafe, sewer smell waifing in and out. Found out that their sewer system in right beneath the city, vents are place all along the street. Nice. This place is crazy. Lots of drinking and wild things to see. People everywhere.

Friday, August 3, 2007


Tuesday July 31, 2007

Sorry about the delay but things had been hectic... a little later about that but will resume were I've left off.

Took a tour today to Versailles. Our driver and tour guide is the quintessential French guy. He looks like one, gestures like one, and most definitely smells like one. Each time he says Versailles, you'll have to get out of the way or get spit on. If an Arab and an Italian were to get together, they would make a smell that bad. Sorry to all our Arab and Italian friends, but you know you smell. Manuele is his name, I will never forget him because my nose will never be the same again. "Small breath", I tell myself as I have the unfortunate luck of being seated next to him. Ok, JW is telling me get over the smell.

As for Versailles, it's like eating double fudge chocolate cake, while drinking Belgian chocolate milkshake in front of a starving child. Decadent is the word I would use for this place. Not only is it the size of several football fields but each rooms (and there are many) are filled with more gold encrusted, gems inlaid, hand painted furniture. According to our guide, all the rooms had been redecorated by each reigning queen at least 10 times. No wonder the peasants revolted.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Monday July 29, 2007
Another walking day. Our goal is to see all the main attraction in Paris. Many highlights today, Eiffel Tower, Luxembourg Palace, the Louve. Spent four excellent hours in the Louve. This place is just incredible! I won't even try to describe the place, hope the pictures will show some of it's magic.


Sunday July 28, 2007
All aboard!! Took taxi to Eurostar station. "Excuse me Sir, could you tell me where is platform 9 3/4?" (This is for Harry Potter fans). This is a great way to travel, especially if you got a first class ticket. Thanks again to Mr. and Mrs. M. Four hours goes by fast in this lap of luxury, helps with champagne.
Got to France, the noise and smell is so much different. No English? Cannot find rail B, cannot find stair to go downstairs. Walked in circle around the stations. Took taxi. Got to hotel. Please see picture of hotel elevator, this will explain the size of our room. We've soon found that space is limited and small all over Paris. Maybe they just want to that special fuzzy feeling being so close.
Sit by a cafe, had wine and cheese. Very French.


Sat. July 27, 2007
A nothing day. Did one load of laundry. Enjoyed relaxing. Had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M. Early night, need to be up early to catch a train.

Saturday, July 28, 2007


Friday July 26, 2007
Got up at 5:30. Ran around Kensington Park. BIG park. Knee hurts, hip hurts. Took us 2 hours to get back to our hotel. Need beer. Where's the beer? Did laundry. Only took 9 GBP to wash our clothes. That's $18.00! I could've have bought new clothes at Ross. London is very expensive. JW bitched about how everything in England is twice as expensive all the time, all day and all night. I feel I need to go prostitute to pay for trip.
Walked to Buckingham Palace. Got lost only 5 times. The streets are going the wrong way. Where are we? And the funny part is that people would stop us and ask us for directions. Saw the Palace. Nah! No big deal. But what a zoo, there must be at least 5,000 people milling around. We asked for the Queen but was told that she is otherwise occupied.
Walked to Nottinghill. Very hip and trendy place. Stopped at another pub. Had our Guinness quotas for the day and walked back to our hotel.
Met up with Andrea and Derek, walked to restaurant. Stupid me, not knowing that everyone walked to everywhere, had heels on. Looks great but hurts like hell after 3 miles of walking. I should have some great looking legs after that, or at least lost a few pounds.


Thurs. July 26, 2007
Last day in Scotland. Drove to find Nessie. Whistle, cat called, bribed, but Nessie was too shy. Flew back into London, scary flight, landed a little crooked, 40 mph wind. Rained, rained, and more rained. Saeed picked us up. What a nice little man. Can I bring him home? His eyes lite up when we mentioned Indian food. He's from Bangladesh. He gave us some great tips on some good Indian restaurants. English food are OK but just too much meat and not much taste. Plus I need to be with my people for awhile.


Wed. July 25, 2007
Drove to Macallan today. Got lost once more, drove up north instead of down south. Bloody direction, we're all turned around because of the "wrong" side of driving. Scary driving, roads are very narrow, and everyone drives fast. Found the distillery and took a tour. Much appreciate the works involved. Starting to see why it costs so much. JW asked about buying a barrel to keep for 12 years. Not only does it costs 10,000 GBP but you have to be invited to spend that much. Found a tiny Indian restaurant in Nairn, a little town that looks like Hobbits may come out to play. It was very surreal.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Tuesday July 24, 2007
Up at 6 AM in order to get to Luton for our flight to Scotland. Once again was picked up. We're getting very spoiled. Whatever happen to backpacking and living in Hostel? Landed in Scotland and rented a Europcar, a Fiat. Small little thing. Almost got killed and honked once. I think UK drives on the wrong side of the street to deter Americans, a least to scare them shitless. Found our hotel, a miniature castle. Love it. Our courtyard view is spectacular. This is a MUST for anyone. Had lunch at a local pub outside of the hotel. They ran out of steak, so they went across the street to get one. Now that is service. Love the beer once again.


Monday July 23, 2007
Finish our bus ride. We got the ticket to goes for 24 hours. Went shopping because we're to go to some exclusive Chinese restaurant. Is there such a thing? Found some very smart clothing for JW. He looked quite dashing. We were picked up once again and meet Mr. and Mrs. M's friends. Mel, a renegade Canadian, ran out of town because of something. And Orpheus, a proper English man, he had a cane, an accent, two new kidneys. Interesting night.


Sunday July 22, 2007
Woke up at noon, still jet lag, plus we had a little help with the wonderful blue pills. Took a bus tour around London on the Big Red Bus. There are just too much to see. So much history and dead people. Had dinner with Mr and Mrs M again at a Lebanese restaurant. Our first. It was very good. Much like Indian cuisine. Early night, too much sleep, need more.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Saturday July 21, 2007
Another hearty English breakfast. We don't fell too bad because we walked everywhere. Today, we meet up with Mrs. Macinnes and walked down to Portabello Street. Think Swap Meet on steriod. Lots of antique, spoons, knives, forks, you name it, they got it. Our goal was to find JW a money clip. Found one, cost only 250 GBP. What a steal. On our way back, bought the newest Harry Potter book. That's for you Abby. Rained again as we headed back. This time got caught, clothes are drying.


July 20, 2007- Friday
We started the morning with a hearty English breakfast. There were tasty bangers, enormous English Bacon, beans, and many other assorted heart clogging fares. The weather was overcasts and gloomy, yet since we've lived in the tropics and were constantly submitted to beautiful sunny skies, we were excited by the prospect of a thunder storm. Torrential rain with bits of thunder , flooded the hotel gutters and overwhelm the drainage system, knocked out electrical power for the afternoon. Most of western London, especially in Whales, had sever flood, roads were inaccessible, with houses submerged. Our driver Amir, had to spend the day rescuing his children.
We spent the day in our hotel room and after the fog of jet lag was cleared, we realized that our hotel was less to be desired. The room smelled like an old lady whom had smoked for ages and after a bout of emphysema, quite smoking. It kind of look like that too. Showers had to be taken standing sideways. It's long but very narrow. So if you were a thin, short, but wide you would feel most comfortable in our bathroom. The room itself is about 12x 18, making it hard to have two people walking side by side. Given the busy summer season, we were given twin beds, which forced us to be quite inventive in our honeymoon endeavours. Of course, I am embellishing a little, but needless to say we were underwhelm but our first European hotel.
But we are on vacation, nothing much bothers us, plus the staff are most accomadating and courteous.
The weather cleared, so we walked to Knightsbridge and visted Harrods. Since it was their once and only sale of the year, we were surrounded by masses of humanity, hurrying to get their chocolate covered nuts for 50.00 GBP or their 300 GBP underwear. Of course, the desire to splurge on undergarments did not hit us. However, we got to experience famous Spinx escalator and witnessed the memorial for Princess Diane and her boyfriend. We had an excellent lunch at a cafe across from Harrods and had an enjoyable walk back, passing the National Art Musemu with its most beautiful architetual building.
We were treated to a night out to a musical, courtesy of Mr. and Mrs. Macinness. It was called Spamalot and we highly recommend anyone to go see it. It was highly entertaining and we laughed throughout the show. JW laughed so hard, he had tears in his eyes and I almost peed in my pant. Prior to the show, we walked to a bar next door and had a few pints, and experienced our first true English Guiness. We end the night with a light fare of Italian food.

Friday, July 20, 2007


July 18, 2007- Our flight was great. We got to L.A. , stopped by a Chili and boarded our flight to London. Flight was full but we were on a 777, which made it much easier for so much humanity to be placed together. Once we've landed, our baggage came quite fast (to our surprise) and off we went. Amir, Mr. and Mrs. MacInness's driver, picked us up and we were treated like celebrities. I had to pinch myself as we were driven through the city in a luxury BMW. We had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. MacInness at their flat, if you could call it such. It was beautiful!!! Pictures will be forthcoming. It was interesting that we were meet my security guards and bodyguards by the gates. It was just precautions for the ambassador of Israel, who lives in the next building before their apartment.